Based on law no. 8681, dated 02.11.2000 “On the design, construction, use and maintenance of dams and dams”, Law No. 8756, dated 26.03.2001 “On Civil Emergencies”, DCM No.147 dated 18.03.2004, KESH sh.a., as well as the “Dam Safety Regulation”, article 28, approved by DCM No.147, dated 18.03.2004, KESH sh.a. has drafted Emergency Plans.

These plans are designed in collaboration with local and foreign expertise (GNF, Spain) and in accordance with ICOLD recommendations and international standards.Emergency Preparedness Plans include:

I. Technical Reports together with their respective annexes.
II. Organizational Schemes for Emergency Action Processes in 4 Possible Scenarios.
III. Flood maps that may be caused in the Drin-Buna watershed area during the HPP operation of the Drin River cascade (Fierza, Koman and Vau i Dejes) or damage to their dams.

Also, GIZ technical assistance has prepared floodplain maps for recurring discharge cases once every 100 years and once every 1,000 years, maps that comply with the provisions of the Dam and Dump Safety Regulation. , are prepared at 1: 25,000 scale

Emergency Response Plans elaborate and define for every possible scenario of emergencies that may occur (due to the operation and management of the Drin River Cascade HPPs in conditions of major floods, earthquakes, or demolitions). potential of a dam), tasks and organizational charts for timely reporting by Institutions involved in the process of dealing with and managing civil emergencies.

To find out more about the emergency and preparedness plan for the HPP Fierza, HPP Koman and HPP Vau i Dejes click on the links below: